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Select Teams

Select teams provide a competitive option for athletes who are involved in a second sport or face travel and financial constraints. The season lasts for three months and is offered during winter time (Select) and spring time (State). These teams share the same policies and objectives as Regional teams but with a shorter season. Goal: Foster skill development while aiming for competitive team outcomes.



General information:

Season duration: from January to March

Pre-season: 3 weekends in December

Tournaments: Lake Erie Power League (4 days) & Great Lakes Challenge (one weekend - 2 days). Both in Livonia - Pontiac area.

Practices: 10 weeks - 3 hours per week


  11/12u Silver 13u Silver 14u Silver 15u Silver 16-18u Silver

Lake Erie Power League (Livonia - Pontiac):  1/20, 1/27, 2/10 & 3/2

Great Lakes Festival (Livonia - Pontiac): 3/9 & 3/10

Lake Erie Power League (Livonia - Pontiac):  1/20, 1/27, 2/10 & 3/2

Great Lakes Festival (Livonia - Pontiac): 3/9 & 3/10

Lake Erie Power League (Livonia - Pontiac):  1/20, 1/27, 2/10 & 3/2

Great Lakes Festival (Livonia - Pontiac): 3/9 & 3/10

Lake Erie Power League (Livonia - Pontiac):  1/13, 1/27, 2/3 & 2/24

Great Lakes Festival (Livonia - Pontiac): 3/9 & 3/10

Lake Erie Power League (Livonia - Pontiac):  1/13, 1/27, 2/3 & 2/24

Great Lakes Festival (Livonia - Pontiac): 3/9 & 3/10

Fees $780 $890 $980 $980 $980